Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shrimp Farming Business Development

Shrimp Farming Business Development Patterns Galah plasma core , among others involves four parties Nucleus , cultivators fish / shrimp as plasma , Farmers Cooperative Group of fish / shrimp , and bank lenders . Each party has a role in accordance with the following fields :
a.Plasma farmers

Agen Judi Bola 
1 .Managing a pool that has been prepared by a core company with funds from the Bank / Government2 . Purchase seed shrimp from the company 's core and buy feed from Cooperative3 . Spreading and harvest prawns in groups .4 . Managing an enterprise consultant following the instructions of the core .5 . Yields of farmers sold to the company 's core at a reasonable price level according to an agreed market price . The results of the sale , after deducting the loan capital ( investment and working capital ) into acceptance farmers . The rest of the proceeds should be set aside for savings as a fund development of an ( effort )6 . Paying installment debt and interest obligations to the Bank through the Cooperative .b . Nucleus
1 .Doing rigorous selection of prospective farmers plasma2 . Conducting training to farmers selected candidates3 . Providing high -quality shrimp seeds4 . Implement monitoring and evaluation of the production nets5 . Providing experienced experts in the cultivation of fish / shrimp6 . Purchase the entire production of fish / shrimp from farmers plasma7 . Establish and provide them with fac
Agen Bola Indonesiailities and other social8 . Helping seeking loans from Farmers Bank operational untu Plasma9 . Seeking new cultivator / surrogate if cultivators plasma resigned from aquaculture fish / shrimp before the loan is paid off paid off .c . cooperative

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