Tuesday, July 22, 2014

ididada ilkaha waa qoto dheer ee faraska. Marka ilkuhu ay

ididada ilkaha waa qoto dheer ee faraska. Marka ilkuhu ay bilaabaan inay xirtaan baxay, qaybo in waxrashada bilow daan si ay u muuqan. Xitaa fardihii waa qof aad u weyn, xididada ay noqon doonaan kuwo la arki karo dushiisa ciridka. Ilig kasta la xidhan karo oo dhaRUMAHTARUHAN88 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAn 2.5 ilaa 5 cm ka hor ma loo isticmaali karaa qaadku. Ka fikir in mudo ah, haddii Rabbigeenna ma siin guryaha si faraska, xayawaanka ugu dhaqsaha badan waayi doonaa ilkaha iyo u dhintay gaajo. Eebow waxay kaloo leedahay awoodo kale oo muhiim ah in baalal faras. Horsehair galay nooc ah thermostat - qalab loo isticmaalo inuu xeeriyo heerkulka jidhka - iyaga. Meydkooda waa in lagu hayaa heerkul ah 38 darajo Celsius. Si loo ilaaliyo heerkulka this, horsehair noqonayaa dheer jiilaalka. In xagaaga, faras daadiyaan baalal, si kululka jirkooda la hayo. Waxaa jira hanti kale oo xiiso leh faraska: fardo hurdo taagan! Ma taqaan sida ay isku dayayaan in ay sii ka dhacaya? Sababtoo ah lafaha ay lugta awood u leeyihiin in ay "quful" marka la seexdo. Thanks to awoodda in Ilaah siiyey fardo, waxay seexan karaa taagan iyo sidoo kale siday rar culus. Dhanka kale, madaxa aadanaha drooped markii ayuu dhintay kursi. Cagaha Horse ee la abuuray ma aha oo kaliya in ay awoodaan in ay qaadaan xamuul culus laakiin sidoo kale in si degdeg ah ay maamusho. Si ka duwan noocyada kale ee xoolaha, faraskii uu leeyahay kalxanta jirin, sifo oo u saamaxaysa in ay talaabo ka badan width. Waxaa intaas dheer, waxaa jira farsamo ee lafaha iyo muruqyada lugaha taasoo hoos u cadadka tamarta la sii daayay markii ay si degdeg ah u ordeen oo wanaajiyo kartida ay u guuraan. Hannaanku wuxuu la mid tahay shaqo ee gear ee gaariga. Sida gaariga uu yahay mid u wareegeen on markii geer sare si degdeg ah oo degdeg ah, faras la wareegay "qalab" waa sii kordhayaa haddii aad rabto in aad maamulo dhaqso. In kasta oo awood u baahan yahay in la wado hoos u, korodhay awoodda mooshin. Well, sababta jirka faraska ayaa waxaa loogu talagalay in awood u siday xamuul culus oo deg deg ah ay maamusho karaa? Dhab ahaantii siday rar culus ama faras dhakhso maamula ma waa xirfad loo baahan yahay nafsaddiisa u bixinayo. Hadaba maxaa fardo leeyihiin guSARANG303 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAryaha oo kale? Seray Beard ama kuwa uu leeyahay magaca laatiinka Alophoxius Bres (bulbul Grey-cheeked in English) waa qoys ka kooban Pycnonotidae. Midho-cunidda shimbiraha Tani waxay leeyihiin besetan dhawaaqu si caddaalad ah oo caadi ah oo socota inta uu shot ah, waxaa laga dumarka gadhka silfar cucak lab ama cucak. In kasta oo ay qaar ka mid ah gadhka cucak waali chirping waxaa badanaa loo arkaa sida shimbir sayid ahay, laakiin ay horumarka, gadhka cucak sidoo kale loo isticmaali karaa wakiil ah iyo xitaa dimaster by shimbiraha kale, gaar ahaan cucak gadhka Ragow. Si aad u awoodo in la kala saaro gadhka cucak iyo dumarka, asal ahaan uma sahlana sida lagu tilmaami ijo cucak ama shimbiraha kale. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, halkan soo bidhaamaysa socda membedakancucak rag ah gadhka cucak iyo gadhka dumar ah. 1 Astaamaha Cucak Beard Jantanistematika Systematics fardo sida ay Blakely iyo Bade (1992), waxa uu leeyahay isku xig xiga ee soo socda: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata (xoolaha la laf dhabar) Sub-phylum: Vertebrates Class: Mammalia (naas-nuujinta) Order: Perisodactyla

Friday, July 18, 2014

En las antiguas plantas de arroz

 En las antiguas plantas de arroz de tierras húmedas exuberantes, plantas de judías verdes en general no necesitan fertilización.

GudangPoker.com  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya Las judías verdes son el tipo de alimento que es del agrado de muchos. Además de delicioso sabor, contenido nutricional es también bastante alto.
Perspectivas comercializar estos cultivos son muy buenos. Debido a la forma bastante fácil cultivar judías verdes, relativamente pocas plagas que atacan, si se vendiera el precio es bastante alto y muy pocas veces el precio está cayendo.
Vigna radiat es otro nombre para las judías verdes. Esta planta es tolerante a la sequía con las necesidades de agua para el cultivo de judías verdes es relativamente pequeño, es decir 700-900 mm / año.
Judías verdes exceso en comparación con otras plantas es de 55 años genjahnya hasta sólo 65 días.
Judías verdes pueden ser cultivados en tierras menos fértiles. Esto es porque estas plantas bersimbiose con Rhizobium y producen 11-12 toneladas de biomasa por hectárea.
Debido a estas ventajas, es en su mayoría judías verdes cultivadas en los campos de arroz durante la estación seca, después del arroz u otros cultivos.

Indotophosting.com Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesia Zonas productoras de frijol verde
Región Isla de Java produce el 61 por ciento de la producción nacional total de judías verdes. Así que la isla está convirtiendo en un importante productor de Indonesia
Otras áreas fueron el productor bastante éxito es Aceh, Sumatra Occidental, el norte de Sulawesi, Sulawesi del Sur, Java Central, Java Oriental, West Nusa Tenggara, y East Nusa Tenggara.

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 En la zona tenía judías verdes y ser procesados ​​y se cultivaron a 70% en los arrozales.

Monday, July 14, 2014



§ seeds intact, meaning no injuries or disabilities. § Seed must be free of pests and diseases. § The seeds must be pure, that is not mixed with seeds or other seeds as well as clean of dirt. § Seeds taken from a superior type of healthy or cuttings. § Has a 80% germination rate so it is necessary for one hectare of 100-250 grams depending on the size of the seed § Good seeds will sink when immersed in water.

Preparing seed intended to accelerate seed germination and improve plant resistance to disease. Ways of preparation is as follows:
§ Sterilization of seeds, by soaking the seeds in hot water of 55 degrees C, POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / lt of water for 15-30 minutes. § Selection of seed, by soaking the seeds in water, where the good seeds will sink. § ± Soak the seed for 12 hours or until the seed is broken so that seeds germinate faster.

The seeds should be sown and dibumbun before dipindahtanam to the field.
Seeding can be done in beds or directly on the tube (containers). Tube can be made from banana leaves, paper-walled plastic food or a small polybag.

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014    Things to consider in determining the location of the nursery include:
§ contains no soil pests and diseases or other factors that harm; § location gets enough sunlight exposure; and § close to the water source.

Seeding can be done in the following way:
Seeding on beds § Before the beds made, cultivated land 30 cm deep and made beds 110-120 cm wide extending from the north to the south. § Add manure fermentation fine sieve and mix with the soil at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. § Pour the solution POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt of water, let stand for 2 days. § The pile is shaded with shade of plastic, straw or leaves as high as 1.25 to 1.50 m on the east side and 0.8-1.0 m on the western side.

DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA§ Seeding can be done in two ways, that is spread evenly on the beds or distributed in the lineup as deep as 0.2 to 1.0 cm. The first way requires less seed than the second way.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Seed Selection and Prospective Parent

 Seed Selection and Prospective Parent
As a parent bird sriti swallow been cultivated to want to nest in the new building. Sriti way to lure birds to enter in the new building with the use of tape or sriti wuara swallow. Screening was conducted at 4:00 p.m. to 18:00 hours, ie the time foraging bird back.
Seed treatment and Prospective Parent

BUAHPOKER.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA TERPERCAYA TANPA ROBOT         In the swiftlet farming, need to be prepared to swallow the eggs hatched in nests of sriti. Eggs can be obtained from the owner of the building who was doing a swallow "the egg harvest waste way". Harvesting is carried out after the birds' nests and lay eggs to make two points. Swallow eggs retrieved and then discarded nest taken. The eggs are removed in the harvest can be used to repopulate the birds' nest menetaskannya in sriti.

Choosing Swallow Eggs
Eggs were harvested consisted of 3 kinds of colors, namely:

Pink, new eggs out of the cloaca parent aged 0-5 days.
Reddish white, aged 6-10 days.
White thick blackish, near the time of hatching 10-15 days old.
Elliptical swallow eggs, the size of 2.014 × 1.353 cm with a weight of 1.97 grams. Characteristic of a good egg should look fresh and should not be stayed except in the incubator. Have good eggs
relatively small air sacs. Stable and not moved from its place. Location of egg yolk should be there in the middle and not moving, was not found blood spots. Egg quality determination in the above is done by observation.
Bringing Eggs Swiftlet
Eggs were obtained from a short distance can be either eggs or young-aged. While the eggs from a distance, preferably in the form of egg hatch is approaching. The eggs are arranged in a sponge with holes with a diameter of 1 cm. Spo
Shocks and vehicle air conditioner that is too cold can lead to dead eggs. Young eggs had a mortality rate of nearly 80% lower, while older eggs.
Hatching Eggs Swiftlet
How to incubate eggs in the nest swiftlet sriti.
At the time of the bird nesting season sriti arrived, eggs sriti replaced with swallow eggs. Egg collection should be with a plastic spoon or tisue paper to avoid damage and contamination that can cause bird eggs sriti not want mengeraminya. Replacement eggs done during the day when the birds foraging sriti out of the building. Furthermore swallow eggs will be incubated by birds after hatching sriti and will be cared for until the birds' can fly and find food.
Swallow eggs hatch in incubators
Incubator temperatures around 40 ° C with 70% humidity. To obtain the moisture is done by placing a plate or saucer filled with water on the bottom rack of eggs. Arranged so that the water does not run out in the cup. The eggs are inserted into the egg crates or record evenly and do not overlap. Twice a day the position is reversed eggs carefully to avoid damage to the embryo. On the third day of observation carried eggs. The eggs were empty and dead embryos discarded. Embryo death mark can be seen in the middle of the egg is a circle of dark blood. While living embryo eggs will look like a spider's web. Reversal eggs done until day 12. During hatching machine should not be opened except for the purpose of filling the cup rever
sakaupoker.com agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayasal or humidity regulator. After 13-15
the eggs will hatch.

Monday, July 7, 2014

In pasaraninternasional corn starch used

In pasaraninternasional corn starch used as a substitute material for the manufacture tepungterigu biscuits, noodles, high-fructose syrup, industrial adhesives, and pharmaceutical industries. Utilization and value tambahsagu at the farm level is still vBOLAWIN88.COM PUSAT BANDAR TARUHAN AGEN JUDI BOLA CASINO POKER BOLATANGKAS DAN TOGEL ONLINE TERPERCAYA INDONESIAery simple. This karenasebagian sago processing purposes only to meet kebutuhankeluarga. The simple way of generating a low yield dankurang efficient.
Sago contains carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, and iron are high. With these contents, sago potentially be used as raw material dapatmeningkatkan glucose syrup added value sago. Sago starch containing 27% amylose dan73% amylopectin. Comparison of the composition of amylose content and starch properties amilopektinakan influence. The higher the amylose content patibersifat less dry, less sticky and easier to absorb water (hygroscopic).
Sago starch granules which have elliptical agakterpotong with granule size of 20-60 m and ranges from 60-72oC suhugelatinisasinya. Meanwhile, according to Wirakartakusumah et al., (1986) Starch gelatinization temperatures around 72-90oC.
A. Starch Hydrolysis
As bioethanol feedstock, sago starch will be hydrolyzed untukmendapatkan glucose, then fermented for mendapatkanbioetanol. Sago starch hydrolysis will produce a viscous liquid starch hydrolysates yangmerupakan the main component of glucose. Hidrolisispati into glucose can be done with the help of acid or enzimpada time, temperature and pH specific. Various ways of starch hydrolysis telahbanyak developed among which acid hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis and enzyme combination enzimdan.
Asammemiliki starch hydrolysis process diagram using a simple, but requires a complicated persyaratanperalatan (heat-resistant, high pressure). Denganhidrolisis different enzymatic, in addition to processing conditions are not extreme, the use of enzymes to produce the yield and quality of solution glukosayang higher than acid hydrolysis. In hidrolisissecara enzymatic starch ties cut according to the type of enzyme which is used, whereas when using acid dilakukansecara random cuts.
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At sago starch hydrolysis process to convert starch tahapandalam there are three stages namely gelatinization, liquefaction dansakarifikasi. Gelatinization stage is the formation of starch granules kentaldari suspension, ie liquefaction stage hydrolysis process patiparsial characterized by decreasing viscosity and sakarifikasiyaitu further process of hydrolysis to produce glucose.
At this stage of liquefaction occurred -1,4 glycosidic bond breaking olehenzim -amylase on the inside of the polysaccharide chains are generated acaksehingga glucose, maltose, maltodextrin and -limitdekstrin. Enzymes. -amylase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes secarakhas through the inside of the oligosaccharide producing alpha darikonfigurasi severing ties - (1,4) glycosidic on amylose, amylopectin, and glycogen. Association of - (1,6) glycosidic not dapatdiputus by -amylase, but it can be made into short branches yanglebih (Nikolov and Reilly, 1991). -amylase enzyme from Bacillus amyloquefaciens umumnyadiisolasi, B. licheniformis, Aspergillusoryzae, and A. niger. The optimum pH for this enzyme is about 6 to suhuoptimum 60oC. If the temperature is further increased the pH optimum punsemakin increased to about seven.
In likuifikasi patibiasanya -amylase used is one that has aktivitastinggi, so the enzyme dosage used approximately 0.5-0.6 kg / ton patiatau 1500 U / kg of dry substrate. -amylase enzyme commercially made ​​olehNovo Industri A / S, among others, by the name of the memilikiketahanan Termamyl the ambient temperature of 95-110oC. Termamyltergantung stability at temperature, the concentration of Ca2 + ion content and ek
Indotophosting.com Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesiauivalendekstrosa. -amylase dose commonly used between 0.5 to 0.6kg Termamyl 102 L per tonne of dry starch. The KNU (kilo Novo-amilaseUnit ) is the amount of enzyme that can hydrolyze starch 5.26 (gramstandar) per hour at 37 ° C, pH 5.6 at standard conditions.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cutting the roots, stems and cut the leaves pengeratan

Pruning is the cutting or reduction of some of the branches and twigs. Pruning branches and twigs are aimed at: (1) To enhance the branch / twig, because a loss of apical dominance grows points; (2) To cut trees, so easy pemanenannya (dwarfing), (3) To rejuvenate an old tnaman; (4) To organize a balance of carbohydrates and nitrates in the plant in order to bear fruit. Pruning can be done while picking longan fruit with scissors cuttings. On the litchi fruit crops should always be a little bit of pruning, because the indented development, angkasan will quickly litchi fruit. It is based on a comparison of the amount of carbohydrates in the leaves of many proteins and soluble nitrate in plants. If low carbohydrate and high rate, vegetative crops will grow continuously denga fertile but without fruit. If a high carbohydrate and low nitratnya rate, and the crops will grow dwarf little fruit. But if carbohydrate is high and the rate nitratnya, plants will grow lekeng being and can bear much fruit. If low carbohydrate and high nitratnya rate usually grow bushy leaves but not flowering and fruiting. The litchi crop should be pruned regularly so that carbohydrate into being and nitratnya rate increases because of the absorption of fertilizer nitrogen (N) from the soil by the roots. Thus litchi crop to heavy flowering and fruiting more.

Cutting the roots, stems and cut the leaves pengeratan

NAGALAUT.COM Agen Judi Bola Online Piala Dunia 2014, SBOBET, IBCBET Terbaik dan Terpercaya di Indonesia Some of the methods employed in Jabung klengkeng farmers and Surrogate to stimulate flowering plants that do not bloom, are: (1) cutting the roots, to reduce the absorption of food solution especially N from the soil; (2) Pengeratan (ringing) in the stems, to inhibit transport (translocation) of carbohydrates; and (3) pruning the leaves in order to avoid the accumulation of carbohydrates (Afandie, 1993).

Pest and Disease

(a). Trusuk. This insect size by ant black, the color brown and wingless. These mites attack the stems, especially trunk, which is a way to make a hole and get into it. When the number is much, litchi trees attacked course there are a lot of holes. Litchi mites that attacked trusuk show changes in leaf color, which is green again and eventually become kunig rantok. With rontoknya the leaves, the branches dry up and die. Trusuk pest control can be done by spraying insecticides on the trunk that was attacked by the mites. But it would be better for early prevention Kalua done before the plague, that by doing the spraying insecticide on the trunks of healthy litchi crop, especially trunk (Afandie, 1993).

(b). Bat. Bats also includes mites are very detrimental to farmers, eat the fruit ripening and fruit merontokkan young. To overcome interference bat, litchi fruit on malainya should diberongsong with woven bamboo or coconut tepes.

(c). disease

Acknowledge that it is a disease that often interferes with litchi crop is mushrooms. The disease generally affects litchi trees, especially the trunk. Pemberantasannya can be done by spraying fungicides on stem the plague.

Harvest and Post Harvest

Longan harvest season in the months of January to February with the production of 300-600 kg per tree. Longan including fruit should be harvested mature nonklimakterik up in the tree because it could not fermented. Harvest is done with a tool that can cut the stalk of the network. Harvesting tool in the form of long handled shears can be organized from the bottom of the fin. Signs of maturity is the color of the fruit is dark tanned, smooth, and its aroma. Sweet fragrance, while the immature fruit has a sweet taste.


Litchi fruit is round with size roughly as big as marbles fruit clustering in malainya. Skin-colored fruit with light brown to black rather clump-smooth surface. Translucent white flesh juicy clan. It tastes very sweet with a special fragrant aroma. The seeds are round, consisting of two pieces, and leather coated black seeds. Own seeds white meat, contain carbohydrates, a little oil, and saponins.

Raising sweet Kelengkeng Table tennis and Diamond River. Kelengkeng differences and Diamond River Kelengkeng Table Tennis Table tennis is a kind kelengkeng that have a large enough size to be compared with tennis balls, meat medium, large seeds, sw
GudangPoker.com  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercayaeet, not se-heavy interview Kelengkeng Diamond River. Kelengkeng Diamond River has a size smaller than Kelengkeng Table tennis, thick flesh, small seeds, sweet, fruit more heavily than kelengkeng Table Tennis
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