Monday, September 29, 2014

This activity is the end result

This activity is the end result of the breeding process, highly anticipated by the farmers. They can smile happy when the results of cultivation reap peluang usaha success, otherwise even cry with sadness when the crop is not as expected. Oyster mushroom harvesting is done in stages. In principle, oyster mushrooms ready to harvest is large enough with a tapered edge but not yet in full bloom (not broken). However, it can also be adjusted to market demand. Harvesting is usually done at the age of 40 days after seeding. In this condition, the body of the oyster mushroom has grown up, ranging from 3 weekly from the time of fruiting forms.
Setas de ostra
Las setas de ostra blancas ligeramente cremosa cuerpo blanco con un diámetro de 3.14 cm. Estos hongos tienen micelio. Este cuerpos fructíferos de hongos que tienen un alto valor económico, así como el objetivo del cultivo. Técnicas de cultivo de hongos ostra que van desde la preparación hasta después de la cosecha era la pena señalar que las empresas agrícolas realmente entienden tanto control en las setas de cardo de mantenimiento y control de plagas.
Aumento del potencial de negocio de cultivo de hongos en Indonesia alentar la mayoría de las personas para perseguir el cultivo de hongos como un negocio rentable alternativa. Si durante estos hongos sólo serán obligatorios confiando en el potencial natural, ahora la gente comenzó a cultivar dispuestos a satisfacer la creciente demanda del mercado está aumentando drásticamente.

Al ver estas condiciones, no es de extrañar que hoy en día muchas empresas están, empezaron a aparecer setas animan el mercado. De hecho, no sólo el hongo de la empresa / industria a gran escala son ahora capaces de dominar el mercado, las empresas escalar el cultivo doméstico de hongos comenzó a subir y competir con las grandes
POKERPELANGI.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA empresas para satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor.

Aquí le informamos de 3 etapas básicas del cultivo de hongos significa que debe tener en cuenta al iniciar un negocio de hongos.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fostering Manggis: Seedlings planted

   Fostering Manggis: Seedlings planted in the rainy season except in well-irrigated areas throughout the year. Before planting sprinkle judi online mixture ZA 500 ​​grams, 250 grams of SP-36 & 200 grams of KCl to the planting hole-in & close to the ground. [Media processing plant mangosteen]

6.3. Mangosteen Cultivation Techniques

1) Manufacturing Plant Hole
Create a planting hole size of 50 x 50 cm deep 25 cm & place land mines land on one side. Refine planting hole to 50 cm & place land mines on the other side. Keringanginkan planting hole 15-30 days before planting. Then fill-in the soil (mineral into two) and re-enter the topsoil washed mixed 20-30 kg of manure. Hole spacing of 8 x 10 m or 10 x 10 m is calculated from the midpoint of the hole. sloping land should be made for core & drainage canal embankment for preventing erosion.

2) How to Plant
With 10x 10 m spacing or 8 x 10 m required 100-125 seeds per hectare. How to sow correctness is as follows:

     Water the seeds in water until viewed in polybag with polibag be released easily.
     Remove some root too long with a knife / scissors sharp.
     Enter mangosteen seeds into the middle of planting holes, piles of soil to limit root & pack the soil slowly.
     Water until the soil is quite moist.
     Give the auspices of well-made ​​from bamboo
PADIPOKER.COM AGENT JUDI POKER SITUS POKER ONLINE TERAMAN DAN TERPERCAYA INDONESIA  poles with thatched roofs. If there are trees in the area, these trees can serve as a natural protector. Tree should be protector of natural & micro climate change, such as crop Albisia & Lamtoro. [mangosteen planting technique]

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Aikatyön maa kun maa ei saisi

Aikatyön maa kun maa ei saisi olla valtion mutainen tai vetiset, jotta maaperän rakenne on ehjä. Tarkoituksena maaperäkäsittelyä ovat: Maaperän löystyy niin, että kasvun juuret ja mukulat kasvaneet molemmat. Tapa käsitellä: 1 Maaperä valo / löysä: kyntö tai syvälle Kontes SEO 2014 kuokka 1-2 kertaa vähemmän yli 20 cm, litistetty suoraan istutettu 2 raskas ja vetinen Land: maa kynnetään tai kuokka 1-2 kertaa niin syvä noin 20cm, vuoteet kahdelle tai kumpuja tehdään myös viemärikourut, voi istuttaa vain
Indonesian yhteiskunta on jo hyvin perehtynyt tähän yhden aterian, kassava. Maniokki on usein kutsutaan ruoka on usein väitetään olevan toiseksi vain riisiä ruokaa runsaasti hiilihydraatteja sisältöä.
Miten kasvaa kassava todellakin ole liian vaikeaa, niin kauan kuin ei ole maa kasvaa maniokista. Koska helppo elämä, asetamme puun maahan kassava yksin voi kasvaa uusia versoja. Todellakin, alkuperän kassava puun vaihe yksin voi todellakin kasvaa kassava kasvi. Vielä vähemmän kuin suurin kasvu kassava, maniokki istutus oikea tapa tehdä siitä

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optimaalisen kasvun maniokki. No miten istuttaa kassava hyvin?
Miten kasvaa kassava hyvin tulemme näkemään alla. Kassava istutusmenetelmä Oikein Tässä muutamia ohjeita, miten istuttaa kassava oikein:

1 valmistaminen Seed Seed kassava on runko, runko on hyvä taimi varren halkaisija on noin 2-3 cm. Leikkaa varret voidaan käyttää siemeninä jonka pituus vaihtelee 15-22 cm käyttämällä viikate steriiliä, älä leikkaa käyttäen sahat,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

As for how the nursery of budding rod is as follows:

As for how the nursery of budding rod is as follows:

1). Choosing stem buds that will be used for breeding. Pineapple plant in a state of being fruitful or has been harvested. Good bud stem is 30-35 cm long.

2). Then cut the leaves near the base of the tree, to reduce evaporation and easier transportation, then leave for a few days in the shade and ready for transport to the seed planting and immediately planted.

         Pineapple seedlings from cuttings.

As for how the nursery from cuttings are as follows:

1). Cut the stems of pineapple fruit harvested along the 2.5 cm.


3). The pieces are planted in clean sand media

4). After 3.5 months, the seedlings will reach a height of 25-35 cm. the seeds can be planted directly in the garden

2 Plant Breeding.

The stages of the pineapple plant nurseries are as follows:

1). Nursery Plants.

Nursery for pineapple require special treatment. Step in preparing media for seedlings in the nursery tub flour (eg Rootone) on the surface of the rod parts to accelerate the growth of roots. Parts of the stem at the nursery planted deep tub from 1.5 to 2.5 cm and 5-10 cm spacing. Conditions nursery media be kept moist and well ventilated, with a closing like a nursery with a translucent plastic sheet (clear).

Pineapple stem cuttings are left to germinate and take root. New nursery media fertilized with manure prepared. Mixed media in the form of fine soil, fine sand and manure (1: 1: 1) or sand with fine manure (1: 1). The last step is memindahtanamkan pineapple see agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayadlings from the nursery to nursery rearing of seed germination.

2). maintenance of Seedlings

Maintenance of nursery / nursery watering is done regularly maintained so that the conditions of growing media always humid and not dry so that the seeds do not die. Fertilization is done with manure application with a predetermined ratio levels. Thinning and pesticide application can be made ​​if necessary.

3). displacement Seeds

Transplanting can be done if the seedlings reach a height of 25-30 cm or 3-5 months old

3 Planting Plants. Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya1). Media Processing Plant

a) Preparation

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

ididada ilkaha waa qoto dheer ee faraska. Marka ilkuhu ay

ididada ilkaha waa qoto dheer ee faraska. Marka ilkuhu ay bilaabaan inay xirtaan baxay, qaybo in waxrashada bilow daan si ay u muuqan. Xitaa fardihii waa qof aad u weyn, xididada ay noqon doonaan kuwo la arki karo dushiisa ciridka. Ilig kasta la xidhan karo oo dhaRUMAHTARUHAN88 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAn 2.5 ilaa 5 cm ka hor ma loo isticmaali karaa qaadku. Ka fikir in mudo ah, haddii Rabbigeenna ma siin guryaha si faraska, xayawaanka ugu dhaqsaha badan waayi doonaa ilkaha iyo u dhintay gaajo. Eebow waxay kaloo leedahay awoodo kale oo muhiim ah in baalal faras. Horsehair galay nooc ah thermostat - qalab loo isticmaalo inuu xeeriyo heerkulka jidhka - iyaga. Meydkooda waa in lagu hayaa heerkul ah 38 darajo Celsius. Si loo ilaaliyo heerkulka this, horsehair noqonayaa dheer jiilaalka. In xagaaga, faras daadiyaan baalal, si kululka jirkooda la hayo. Waxaa jira hanti kale oo xiiso leh faraska: fardo hurdo taagan! Ma taqaan sida ay isku dayayaan in ay sii ka dhacaya? Sababtoo ah lafaha ay lugta awood u leeyihiin in ay "quful" marka la seexdo. Thanks to awoodda in Ilaah siiyey fardo, waxay seexan karaa taagan iyo sidoo kale siday rar culus. Dhanka kale, madaxa aadanaha drooped markii ayuu dhintay kursi. Cagaha Horse ee la abuuray ma aha oo kaliya in ay awoodaan in ay qaadaan xamuul culus laakiin sidoo kale in si degdeg ah ay maamusho. Si ka duwan noocyada kale ee xoolaha, faraskii uu leeyahay kalxanta jirin, sifo oo u saamaxaysa in ay talaabo ka badan width. Waxaa intaas dheer, waxaa jira farsamo ee lafaha iyo muruqyada lugaha taasoo hoos u cadadka tamarta la sii daayay markii ay si degdeg ah u ordeen oo wanaajiyo kartida ay u guuraan. Hannaanku wuxuu la mid tahay shaqo ee gear ee gaariga. Sida gaariga uu yahay mid u wareegeen on markii geer sare si degdeg ah oo degdeg ah, faras la wareegay "qalab" waa sii kordhayaa haddii aad rabto in aad maamulo dhaqso. In kasta oo awood u baahan yahay in la wado hoos u, korodhay awoodda mooshin. Well, sababta jirka faraska ayaa waxaa loogu talagalay in awood u siday xamuul culus oo deg deg ah ay maamusho karaa? Dhab ahaantii siday rar culus ama faras dhakhso maamula ma waa xirfad loo baahan yahay nafsaddiisa u bixinayo. Hadaba maxaa fardo leeyihiin guSARANG303 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAryaha oo kale? Seray Beard ama kuwa uu leeyahay magaca laatiinka Alophoxius Bres (bulbul Grey-cheeked in English) waa qoys ka kooban Pycnonotidae. Midho-cunidda shimbiraha Tani waxay leeyihiin besetan dhawaaqu si caddaalad ah oo caadi ah oo socota inta uu shot ah, waxaa laga dumarka gadhka silfar cucak lab ama cucak. In kasta oo ay qaar ka mid ah gadhka cucak waali chirping waxaa badanaa loo arkaa sida shimbir sayid ahay, laakiin ay horumarka, gadhka cucak sidoo kale loo isticmaali karaa wakiil ah iyo xitaa dimaster by shimbiraha kale, gaar ahaan cucak gadhka Ragow. Si aad u awoodo in la kala saaro gadhka cucak iyo dumarka, asal ahaan uma sahlana sida lagu tilmaami ijo cucak ama shimbiraha kale. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, halkan soo bidhaamaysa socda membedakancucak rag ah gadhka cucak iyo gadhka dumar ah. 1 Astaamaha Cucak Beard Jantanistematika Systematics fardo sida ay Blakely iyo Bade (1992), waxa uu leeyahay isku xig xiga ee soo socda: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata (xoolaha la laf dhabar) Sub-phylum: Vertebrates Class: Mammalia (naas-nuujinta) Order: Perisodactyla

Friday, July 18, 2014

En las antiguas plantas de arroz

 En las antiguas plantas de arroz de tierras húmedas exuberantes, plantas de judías verdes en general no necesitan fertilización.  Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya Las judías verdes son el tipo de alimento que es del agrado de muchos. Además de delicioso sabor, contenido nutricional es también bastante alto.
Perspectivas comercializar estos cultivos son muy buenos. Debido a la forma bastante fácil cultivar judías verdes, relativamente pocas plagas que atacan, si se vendiera el precio es bastante alto y muy pocas veces el precio está cayendo.
Vigna radiat es otro nombre para las judías verdes. Esta planta es tolerante a la sequía con las necesidades de agua para el cultivo de judías verdes es relativamente pequeño, es decir 700-900 mm / año.
Judías verdes exceso en comparación con otras plantas es de 55 años genjahnya hasta sólo 65 días.
Judías verdes pueden ser cultivados en tierras menos fértiles. Esto es porque estas plantas bersimbiose con Rhizobium y producen 11-12 toneladas de biomasa por hectárea.
Debido a estas ventajas, es en su mayoría judías verdes cultivadas en los campos de arroz durante la estación seca, después del arroz u otros cultivos. Hosting Unlimited dan Domain Murah Terbaik di Indonesia Zonas productoras de frijol verde
Región Isla de Java produce el 61 por ciento de la producción nacional total de judías verdes. Así que la isla está convirtiendo en un importante productor de Indonesia
Otras áreas fueron el productor bastante éxito es Aceh, Sumatra Occidental, el norte de Sulawesi, Sulawesi del Sur, Java Central, Java Oriental, West Nusa Tenggara, y East Nusa Tenggara.

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014 En la zona tenía judías verdes y ser procesados ​​y se cultivaron a 70% en los arrozales.

Monday, July 14, 2014



§ seeds intact, meaning no injuries or disabilities. § Seed must be free of pests and diseases. § The seeds must be pure, that is not mixed with seeds or other seeds as well as clean of dirt. § Seeds taken from a superior type of healthy or cuttings. § Has a 80% germination rate so it is necessary for one hectare of 100-250 grams depending on the size of the seed § Good seeds will sink when immersed in water.

Preparing seed intended to accelerate seed germination and improve plant resistance to disease. Ways of preparation is as follows:
§ Sterilization of seeds, by soaking the seeds in hot water of 55 degrees C, POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water, WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / liter of water, and WT ZPT dose of 2 ml / lt of water for 15-30 minutes. § Selection of seed, by soaking the seeds in water, where the good seeds will sink. § ± Soak the seed for 12 hours or until the seed is broken so that seeds germinate faster.

The seeds should be sown and dibumbun before dipindahtanam to the field.
Seeding can be done in beds or directly on the tube (containers). Tube can be made from banana leaves, paper-walled plastic food or a small polybag.

Betklik99 Agen Bola Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014    Things to consider in determining the location of the nursery include:
§ contains no soil pests and diseases or other factors that harm; § location gets enough sunlight exposure; and § close to the water source.

Seeding can be done in the following way:
Seeding on beds § Before the beds made, cultivated land 30 cm deep and made beds 110-120 cm wide extending from the north to the south. § Add manure fermentation fine sieve and mix with the soil at a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. § Pour the solution POC WarungTani I dose 10 ml / lt of water, bactericide WT dose of 10 ml / lt of water & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt of water, let stand for 2 days. § The pile is shaded with shade of plastic, straw or leaves as high as 1.25 to 1.50 m on the east side and 0.8-1.0 m on the western side.

DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA§ Seeding can be done in two ways, that is spread evenly on the beds or distributed in the lineup as deep as 0.2 to 1.0 cm. The first way requires less seed than the second way.