Friday, April 25, 2014

Melinjo plants can grow in clay

Melinjo plants can grow in clay or loam soil, sandy and chalky, but not resistant to waterlogged soils or high levels of acid and can grow from an altitude of 0-1200 m above sea level. Melinjo land to be planted must be open or exposed to sunlight, the planting hole measuring 60x60x75 cm, with a spacing of 6-8 m. Melinjo can be found in the tropical areas dry up. To grow and develop, melinjo does not require soil or climate specific nutritious. Melinjo can adapt to a wide temperature range. This is why melinjo very easy to find in many areas except the coastal areas because these plants can not be grown in areas that have a;postID=2249751106082764226high salt content. In Indonesia melinjo plants not only can be found in forests and plantations alone. In some areas melinjo plants grown in home gardens or home gardens and utilized by the residents directly. 2.1.3. Regional Deployment Melinjo plants are thought to originate from the Malay Peninsula. Melinjo can be found throughout Southeast Asia, and spread until it reaches Assam and north east of Fiji. While in Indonesia has grown in most parts of Indonesia, such as Java and Sumatra. 2.1.4. Varieties Melinjo Based on the fruit in the Central Java and Yogyakarta special SOCCERINDO AGEN BOLA ONLINE WORLD CUP 2014 region known melinjo 3 varieties, namely:

Varieties gravel
These varieties produce seeds melinjo melinjo the small size of about 1 cm, slightly rounded shape. Each tree can bear very heavy.

Vatietas glutinous
Produce seeds with a size of about 2.7 cm and slim. Compared with melinjo varieties gravel, melinjo this type is much larger and the number of fruit per tree varieties is almost limited to gravel.

Varieties barrel
This variety produces the largest seeds, plump shape, length nearly equal to the glutinous varieties. But the fruit of the varieties are not so heavy barrel. 2.2. Plant cultivation Melinjo 2.2.1. How to Plant a Tree Melinjo Melinjo trees can be planted in 3 ways, namely: 1) with seed 2) by grafting 3) by stem cuttings Here is an explanation on how to grow melinjo: 1) How to grow from seed Melinjo planted with seeds take a long time to reap the results. Advantages of seed that is planted with trees melinjo will gain strong roots. The disadvantage, melinjo trees planted from seed will bear fruit after the age of 7 or 8 years. Here's how to plant the seeds melinjo:
a. Choose melinjo good and old.
b. Peeled seeds, then dry in the sun to dry.
c. Shell skin rubbed with sandpaper.
d. Put in a nursery sized 60x60 cm. nursery soil is

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loose soil mixed with sand and pupuk.kan time.
e. About 6 months after the last growing transferred to plastic and let it grow up to 1 to 2 months.
f. Moving to berkuran 40x40 cm hole, with a depth of 30 cm. Land in the prepared hole of manure / compost.
g. Distance of 5 meters between plants.

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