Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tillage generally do cultivation and manufacture Embankment

Tillage generally do cultivation and manufacture Embankment . Pengemburan levels namely cultivation to improve soil structure and air circulation policies and the application of fertilizer to improve soil physical and chemical fertility of the land which will add to our use.Land are reflected should be cleaned out of the rocks , grass , bushes or trees that grow . And independent from the counAgen Bola Onlinety ternaungi , because mustard like in direct sunlight .While hoeing soil depth of 20 to 40 cm deep . Giving a very good organic fertilizer to the soil completion . For example the provision of good manure that is 10 tons / ha . Manure cultivation so quickly given moment over and mixed with the soil that we use .If the district has a very low pH ( acid ) is performed calcification. Liming aims to raise derajad keasam soil , liming is done all the way before planting the seed , that is about 2 to 4 weeks earlier. Up for a good time in doing the cultivation of land that is 2-4 weeks before the land is planted . Type lime limestone calcite (CaCO3 ) or Wisata Pulau Pari dolomite ( CaMg ( CO3 ) 2 ) .
C. nursery .
Seeding can be done simultaneously with the processing of land for cultivation . Because it is more efficient and faster the seeds will adapt to the environment. Embankment is a measure of the width of a nursery that is 80-120 cm and a length of 1-3 meters . Rainfall over 200 mm / month , high Embankment 20-30 cm.Two weeks before the seeding seed , nursery Embankment sprinkled with manure and urea added 20 grams , 10 grams of TSP , and 7.5 grams of KCl .How does the nursery is as follows: seed sown , and covered with thick soil 1-2 cm , and watered with a sprayer , then observed 3-5 days the seeds will grow after the age of 3-4 weeks of the embedded plant moved to Embankment .
Embankment with 120 cm width and length according to the size of land parcels . High furrows 20-30 cm with 30 cm distance between the furrows , a week before planting is done in advance adoption of manure that is 10 tons / ha , TSP 100 kg / ha , KCl 75 kg / ha . While the Embankment spacing 40 x 40 cm, 30 x 30 and 20
Pulau Parix 20 cm .Choose a good seed , remove the seeds carefully , and make a hole with dimensions 4-8 x 6-10 cm.
Preservation is the important thing . To be very influential on the results that may be obtained . First to note is watering , watering depends on the season , when the rainy season felt excessive then we need to do a reduction in available water , but rather when the dry season arrives we have to add water to the adequacy of the mustard plants that we plant . If it's not too panaspenyiraman done just once a day or evening morning.The next stage that is thinning , thinning is done 2 weeks after planting . How to remove the plants that grow too close .Next level is done stitching , embroidery is the action of this plant replacement with new plants. It is very easy that is dead or stricken crop pests and diseases, to be replaced with new plants .Weeding is usually done 2-4 times during the planting mustard , adapted to the condition of the presence of weeds in the planting furrows . Usually weeding done 1 or 2 weeks after planting . When do the cultivation and weeding pengguludan eq
Jual Script Iklanuivalent .Additional Fertilizing given 3 weeks after planting , that the urea 50 kg / ha . Gets even with a spoon the approximately 25 grams dissolved in 25 liters of water can be sprinkled on for 5 m Embankment .

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