Saturday, June 28, 2014

En el cultivo de viento rambután papel polinización visto flores

  En el cultivo de viento rambután papel polinización visto Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia
     Intensidad de lluvia buscado por los árboles de rambután osciló entre 1500-2500 mm / año y de manera uniforme a lo largo del año
     La luz del sol debe estar en el cultivo de área desde que se eleva hasta el fregadero, la intensidad de los rayos del sol estrechamente relacionados con la temperatura ambiente.
     Plantas de rambután florecen y dan fruto con óptima a temperaturas alrededor de 25 ° C YG medidos durante el día. La falta de luz solar puede causar una caída en los ingresos o menos perfecta (plana).
     La humedad es baja tienden buscado desde la mayoría de las plantas en las tierras bajas y es. Cuando el aire tiene la inferioridad de humedad, luego secar al aire por el vapor de agua pobre. Condiciones que son adecuados para rambután crecimiento de las plantas.

5.2. La siembra de Medios

     Rambutan puede crecer bien en la tierra fértil YG y limo
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA y arena un poco embarazada, también pueden crecer bien en suelos que contienen orgánica cuchara fachada ataui en el poco de arcilla y arena.
     Básicamente nivel / grado de acidez del suelo (pH) no es demasiado diferente de otros cultivos de plantación en Indonesia, que está entre 6-6,7 y 5,5 si es menos de encalado se debe hacer primero.
     Idealmente visto en el contenido de agua en el suelo requerido para el cultivo de árboles de rambután entre 100-150 cm del suelo.
     Cultivos Básicamente rambután no depende del lugar y de la condición de la tierra, porque la tierra puede estar formado de acuerdo con el procedimiento de cultivo de corrección (creada por Embankment), de conformidad con las orientaciones existentes.

5.3. Lugares Altura
Rambutan puede prosperar en zonas bajas entre 30-500 m sobre el nivel del mar. A una altura de 30 m sobre el nivel del mar bajo el rambután puede crecer pero no tan buenos resultados.

6.1. cría

     Términos Semillas: Las semillas TOMADAS generalmente seleccionados de las semillas del agrado de la sociedad de consumo, entre otros: Rapiah Rambutan, Rambutan Aceh, avance de las tierras bajas, Cimacan Rambutan, Rambutan, Rambutan Sinyonya.
     Finalización de la semilla: Semilla de sillería Preparación utilizado como la base del árbol después de la fruta pelada y semillas tomadas con la fermentación normal (durante 1-2 días) después de que el viento anginkan durante 24 horas (día y noche) y las semillas listas para ser incorporado. Para ser capaz de convertir direndamdengan solución ácida con 1:02 comparación de una solución de agua y ácido consistió en ácido Chlorida (HCl) 25% o sulfato ácido (H2S04) BJ = 1.84, ¿cómo empapado durante 15 minutos y luego enjuaga con agua fresca me AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAlimpia de repetido 3 veces con agua corriente durante 10 minutos y ventilada durante 24 horas. Para ser capaz de retrasar las semillas de hongos en una solución de Dithane dibalur 45, Attracol 70 WP u otros fungicidas.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Miraha Fresh ay wada baabba'aan si loo yareeyo qandhada

Miraha Fresh ay wada baabba'aan si loo yareeyo qandhada, oo la engejiyey miraha sida daawo loo helo hurdo la'aan. Caleemaha waxa ku jiri quercetin, poesie iyo guryaha antiviral, iyo waxa loo isticmaalaa in lagu daaweeyo xasaasiyad, kansarka, sonkorowga iyo cudurrada wadnaha. Abuurka la jajabiyey soo saaro xumbo, kaas oo loo adeegsado shaambo a. Qoryihiina loo adeegsado dhismaha ee alaabta guriga iyo alaabta kale. Geed waxaa sidoo kale lagu beeray sJOKIBET.COM Agen Casino Online Terpercaya ida wax sharraxsan.

Hilibku fiican in la cuno longan cusub iyo dap at cabitaan dhigay in qasacadaha (Canning). Abuurka ku jira saponins fiican in lagu dhaqo timaha shaambada. Caleemaha waxaa loo isticmaalaa in daawo-dhaqameed ka dhanka ah penyalat in maxaa yeelay waxa ku jira quercetin. Geedkii ayaa la isticmaali karaa xaabo iyo sidoo kale geed rambutan. Intaa waxaa dheer, dhirta longan faa'iido beerta, wali, iyo daryeel dalka uga yacday ilaa.

Terms Koraaya
Longan ku habboon yahay in loo beeray dhulka hoose ee u dhexeeya 200-600 m heerka badda nooca cimilada la xiriira xilli qoyan qalalan ee aan ka badnayn afar bilood ah. Biyaha dhulka u dhaxeeya 50-200 cm. Roobka ee 1500-3000 mm sanadkii iyo ula 9-12 bil ah 2-4 bilood qoyan iyo qalalan. Inkastoo dhir badan ku faraxsan yihiin inay oogada u dhexeeya m 900-l.000 ka saraysaa heerka badda keentay.

Tilmaamaha iyo Beeraha

Seasonbet77 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Sambut Piala Dunia 2014 Plant faafinta by Grafting iyo Grafting sameeyo. Faafinta by farcankiisii ​​laguma talinayo sidii da'da fruiting dheer ah (in ka badan toddoba sano). Intaa waxaa dheer, geedo ka soo abuur oo inta badan ay ugu kori lahaayeen labka longan kuwa midho u dhali karin. Grafting geedo / Maqaar ku bilaabaan inay midho u dhali at da'da afar sano. Beerashada Litchi beeray at kala dheereynta a of 8 MX 10 m ama 10 MX 10 m ee dalool beerto ku qiyaasay 60 cm x 60 cm x 50 cm. Dalool kasta oo ayaa la siiyaa digada a qaan gaadh sida ugu badan ee 20 kg. Bacriminta aan dabiiciga siin sida ugu badan-300 l00 g of HOL, tsp 300-800 g (400-1000 kg SP-36), iyo l00-300 g KCl for warshad walba. Bacriminta waxaa la siiyey saddex jeer gelintu saddex bilood. Ka dib markii miro-miraha, bacriminta ee sida ugu badan 300 g of HOL, tsp 800 g, iyo 300 g oo ah KCl halkii geed oo kaliya hal mar. Dayactirka
Dayactirka waa manjooyin laamood xumeyn muhiimka ah iyo saqaf in ay xirtey hirku. Oo sidaas, iftiinka qoraxda siman geli karaa dhammaan qaybo ka mid ah laanta. Dulin Plant (parasites) waa in si dhakhso ah loo xoorey. Dhirta Litchi ay ka mid yihiin ubax fudud si ay u koraan, laakiin way adag tahay. Sidaa darteed, kicinta lagama maarmaanka ah ee ubax uleeyo wadada TUBEY dhagan in ay yihiin hal mitir dhulka ka sareeya. Jir wareeg ah ku dhaawacay 2-3 jeer waa bir Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercayasilig. Geedaha bilaabay ubax at da'da 4-6 sano. Caadi ahaan, dhir, kuwaas oo ubax ee July-October. Miro bislaado of shan bilood ka dib markii ubaxyo ka Bloom.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Balitnak claro que la disposición de las hojas de jacinto

Balitnak claro que la disposición de las hojas de jacinto de agua no afectó el crecimiento y la productividad de los pollos de aldea, siempre y cuando las hojas se encuentran todavía en un estado de suministro fresco (verde) se mezcla con otros ingredientes. Se nos informa de que la disposición del jacinto de agua deja el color de estiércol de pollo resultado en color ligeramente negruzcas. En este caso se recomienda el uso de la prestación de los beneficios del agua potable de azúcar de palma como una adición de ácido de las hojas del jacinto de agua.
Usted puede ver y descargar los archivos en la parte superior de este artículo Balitnak. Para descargar el artículo, por favor vaya a la siguiente página. Si has llegado con el balón!Referencia: BalitnakGoogle694 6 21 781Artículos relacionados:Hierba

Beneficios de azúcar agua para Java Native Chicken
Beneficios de betel Hojas Chicken
Beneficios de la cúrcuma para Native Chicken
Beneficios del ajo para Native Chicken
{5 comentarios ... leer a continuación o añadir uno}
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18 de marzo 2013 a las 20:16

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bilaabidda MIRAHA masduulaa

Bilaabidda MIRAHA masduulaa Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesia Si aad u bilowdo masduulaa beeridda miro, waa loo baahan yahay koraya miro masduulaagii aad beerto xusid mudan. Dhirta Kuwan waxaa lagu tilmaamay inay galaan qoyska reer cacti. Sidaa darteed medim siii ee dhulka hoose ee, si goan at height ah 20 ilaa 500 mitir ka sarreysaa oogada badda. Land meesha dhirta masduulaagii aad midhaha ka furo waa in, ay usahashay iyo sidoo kale waxaa ku jira wax badan oo arrinta organic iyo nafaqo. More fiican loogama haddii pH ciidda 5 ilaa 7. Hubi in dalka in yar oo qalalan ah, sababtoo ah haddii content biyaha badan yahay, dhirta, kuwaas oo qudhmi doonaa. Waxa kale oo muhiim ah waa heerka shucaaca qoraxda. Hubi in dhirta waxaa lagu ilayska qorraxda buuxda inta lagu jiro maalinta sababta oo ah miro masduulaagii wuxuu u eg yahay kulaylkii.

SIDA WANAAGSAN beerto MIRAHA masduulaa

Intaa waxaa dheer in ay dhex-dhexaad u kuurgalaya, wajiga diyaarinta bilowga ah ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ka mid ah bixinta geedka taageersan. Geed miro Dragon uusan haysan jir ah dugsiyada hoose waa adag. Sida caadiga ah waxaa ku koraa iyo saboolka on taageero ah. Sidaas darteed, helitaanka koritaanka waa tiir muhiim ah. Waxaad menggunkanan k JUDI DOMINO, AGEN DOMINO, AGEN JUDI DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA araan alwaax ama ulo ka la taaban karo. Xuquuqda size waa 10cm x 10cm leh height ugu badnaan 2 mitir. Adi ciidda si qoto dheer ah qiyaastii 50 cm. Qiyaastii bar ka mid ah la adkaynayo baallaha, ka dhigi dalool beerto ah 3 ilaa 4. Dimensions of dalool kasta waa in 40 x 40 x 40 cm oo leh kala dheereynta ah si qallafsan ku dhawaad ​​2 MX 2.5 m. Boholaha taas oo ay leeyihiin heli karaa Bacriminta organic sekirat 10 kg oo la qaso ciidda.
Geeddi-socodka Plant MIRAHA masduulaa

SIDA WANAAGSAN beerto MIRAHA masduulaa

Ka dib markii laga beerto dhexdhexaad ah loo diyaariyey, miraha waxaa lagu beeray karo. Guud ahaan, beeritaanka miraha masduulaa waxaa loo sameeyaa laba siyaabood magac besteeki iyo digirta. Laakiin on duurka, oo jidka waa in si ballaaran ugu loo isticmaalo by gooyn. Dhirta Stem noqdaan abuur wanaagsan ayaa panjangn 25 ilaa 30 cm. Geedi socodka bilowga bilaabmaa koritaanka dhexdhexaad ah u gooyn stem polybag ka kooban yahay walxo ee ciidda iyo carrada degnay. Qiyaasta waa 1:1:1. Ilaa 3 bilood jir ah ka dib, geedo horeba la dhaqaajin karin inay dalka soo dhabta ah.
Marka abuurka ah waxaa lagu beeray dhulka, habka soo socda waa tallaabooyinka dayactirka in ka mid ah waraabka, bacrinta, la dagaallanka cayayaanka / ha JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAramaha iyo hartey waxay ka. Nidaamka waraabinta, sida ugu badan 1 ilaa 2 maalmood ee maalintii. Habkani waa inay ka taxadaraan sababtoo ah dhirta miraha masduulaa ma jecla biyo-dhaafka. Next waa bacrinta. Nooca ugu fiican ee bacriminta waa digada ka fog siinta 3 bilood. Qadarka of bacriminta agagaarka 5 ilaa 10 rodol.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Raising Geese

Raising Geese
One thing that is
Agen Judi Onlineperhaps doubtful, namely on water. People often proffered photograph swans on the water so it connotes that the geese and the water can not be separated. Are not, and vice versa even mud can cause disease in geese. Geese can obviously be a good pet animal in the yard.
Selection of seedsThe first thing to be determined is the selection of seeds goose. Choosing seeds depends on maintenance purposes. If for just a hobby it will be a lot of choice because of its personal preference. Meanwhile, for the purpose of producing meat or eggs, choice becomes somewhat limited because it must take into account economic factors that production costs should be lower than the selling price. Calculate the production costs are certainly not an easy task for a beginner. Perhaps one way to reduce the loss of the possibility of failure is to start with a little. To keep the meat production time of sale is when geese aged 4 to 6 months before the feast of Eid fall is usually a better price. To benchmark the price of meat and eggs every day can be seen at the Department of Trade and Industry Republic of Indonesia
Varieties include the famous goose Toulouse, Embden an
Taruhan Bola Onlined African are classified as the body weight, body weight Pilgrim mid and Chinese lightest weight. However, the speed of growth and the ability to produce eggs in the same kind of seed will not necessarily be the same result. So from later raising experience, choose seeds from the parent of the fastest-growing and produce many eggs.
Cages and equipmentGoose belonging to animals that do not live in a cage at home. Let them roam the backyard to a certain extent. Enclosure is needed as a shelter from heavy rains and strong winds as well as his bed. Cage size is considered adequate for each geese is 1 X 1 square meter plus 3 to 4 X 1 meter square as a homestead. The roof does not leak cage cultivated in order to stay dry when it rains. Food should be accustomed to be given in a cage in a bowl or plastic container that is open. Diusakan drink water is outside the cage to keep the cage dry. Nest is not necessary unless there are spawn. Nests can be made from a wooden box in which was given a base of wood shavings or shards strowbur. The cage should be enough light to stimulate egg production acceleration.
FeedIn the breeding period, giving 15% protein plus vitamins in the same level as for the breeding of chickens in the past has been considered sufficient to meet the nutrient needs. Food should still be available, as well as with seashells and sand. Other foods no specific, bran mixed vegetables or leftover Meals are not a problem. Geese are very voracious i

  1. Agen Judi Bola
n eating grass or leaves. Below is a table of nutrient composition as a reference if it is possible to give.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Home »Cheap floristry» Flower »Flower

Home »Cheap floristry» Flower »Flower Bed Planting Cultivation Techniques of SuccessJasmine Planting Cultivation Techniques of SuccessComes the Jasmine Plant Engineering Scale Aquaculture, this is done after the nursery cuttings processing and preparation of agricultural land.
Cropping patterns Jasmine Flowers

Agen bola berhadiah samsung s4 tiap bulan depo 20rbA month before planting, seeds adapted jasmine around the garden. Land fertilize the garden ready for planting base consists of 3 grams of TSP plus 2 grams of KCI per plant. When each contained approximately 60,000 hectares planting hole with a spacing of 1.5 mx 1.0 m, then the need for basic fertilizer consisting of 180 kg TSP and 120 kg KCI.
Alongside the basic fertilizer can be added pembenah and soil stabilizers, eg Agrovit, Stratos / humus acid Gro-Mate.
Hole Making and How to Plant a Flower Bed
Jasmine in a polybag seedlings watered the growing medium and roots. Each planting hole one seed jasmine. Land near the base of the seedling stem jasmine solidified slowly so its roots in direct contact with groundwater.
Planting distance Jasmine
Spacing can vary, depending on the shape of culture cultivation, soil fertility or type of jasmine, plantation culture shapes spacing generally 1 x 1.5 m, was another variation 40 x 40 cm, 40 x 25 cm and 100 x 40 cm.
Jasmine flower embroidery
How to replace the stitching is dead plants or grow abnormally with new seedlings.

to Take Care of Birds Kacer So ChampionStitching technique is the same as the way to plant. It's just done when the seedlings need to be replaced. Replanting period not more than one month after planting. Stitching earlier intended that no fur SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA ther complicate maintenance and expect uniform growth.
Time stitching morning or afternoon, when the sun is not

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Each month , Aditya 1,300 mating pairs

Each month , Aditya 1,300 mating pairs of breeding neon tetra in a special aquarium . This aquarium tertu closed the black plastic and are in a dark room . Aquarium lighting should be dim because fish eggs are very sensitive to light .
Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET-IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014After spawning , the parent separates from the egg farmers . Parent pair can produce about 100 eggs . In a matter of 24 hours , the eggs will hatch into fry ( tillers ) .
Transferred to a separate akurium seed and fed Artemia or brine shrimp eggs imported from the U.S. and Thailand . Aditya spent three cans of Artemia per month to feed a child . The price of 1 kg tin Artemia size of about Rp 400,000 .For maintenance tiller , dirt in the aquarium needs to be sucked out from under two weeks. The disease commonly affects the neon tetra is rusty in the body .
Hence , Aditya gives a solution of salt water into the aquarium . " Chicks who living up to the size of 0.8 cm from a pair of sires only about 20 birds , " he said .
To avoid the expenditure of feed and high mortality risk , Aditya chose not to sell puppies and enlargements. With a month of production 120000-200000 tail and a selling price of Rp 150 , Aditya turnover about USD 18 million to USD 30 million every month .
Profit margin reached 70 % . Therefore , it is only the cost of feed 40 days and pay three pekerja.ti , because Singapore is recognized that the cultivation of ornamental fish imported ornamental fish are concentrated in the District Sawangan and Bojongsari .
Not just the quantity but also the quality is considered to be the importer of Singapore as the best in the world . One is the flagship export ornamental fish Neon Tetra . These fish have a quality product that is able to defeat other countries in the foreign countries . Similarly, a summary of the information obtained from various sources BALANCE .
Head of the Department of Agriculture Fisheries Depok , Ir Hj Ita Wilda , ornamental fish breeding done by Farmers Group dispersed throughout the district . However , his concentration centered on Sawangan and Bojongsari .

Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014" Kind also vary not only ornamental fish Neon Tetra . But , there are also Arowana and other fish . All fish were cultivated ornamental fish farmers with farming group , " he said explaining that amounted to hundreds of people with dozens of groups .